Get login details for service principals

2 minute read

You can use Microsoft Graph APIs to access Azure AD activity report. In version 1.0, you can access those reports only for user principals. However, in the beta version of the APIs, Microsoft added support for doing the same for service principals. This functionality can help you build a governance workflow for the service principals because you can access information like signIn time, IP address, and location. When creating that governance workflow, one challenge to consider is that that information is kept in Azure Active Directory only for 30 days. I recommend using Logic Apps for building such workflow. Check the following post on adding Microsoft Graph API permissions to a Managed Identity. To be able to query the Microsoft Graph API, you need the AuditLog.Read.All permission.

To get all signIn activities for a specified service principal in the last 30 days (if any): YOUR_APP_ID - Application Id of the service principal.

GET$filter=signInEventTypes/any(t: t eq 'servicePrincipal') and (appId eq 'YOUR_APP_ID')

To get the last signIn activity for a specified service principal in the last 30 days (if any):

GET$filter=signInEventTypes/any(t: t eq 'servicePrincipal') and (appId eq 'YOUR_APP_ID')&top=1&orderby=createdDateTime%20desc

I hope this will save you some valuable time trying to figure out how to call the API because it is not well documented in the official documentation.